
We Sell Tires!

Get Hyundai authorized replacement tires for that original fit and performance. For optimal performance, gas mileage and safety, choose Hyundai authorized tires – only at your Hyundai dealer.

Plus taxes and applicable fees. Prices may vary by model. Please present coupon at time of write-up. Cannot be used with any other applicable offer. - Coupon expires 04/08/2025

Expires: 04/08/2025

FREE Battery Test


Everyday driving conditions can affect your battery more than you think. Come in today for a FREE battery test.

Please present coupon at time of write-up. Cannot be used with any other applicable offer. Coupon has no cash value. - Coupon expires 04/08/2025

Expires: 04/08/2025

Hyundai Multi-Point Inspection


Our Hyundai-trained technicians will inspect your vehicle and let you know if anything needs attention. Call us for details.

Plus taxes and applicable fees. Prices may vary by model. Please present coupon at time of write-up. Cannot be used with any other applicable offer. - Coupon expires 04/08/2025

Expires: 04/08/2025

FREE Brake Inspection


• Inspect brake pads/shoes, rotors/drums, master cylinder, calipers and wheel cylinders
• Check brake fluid level
• Check parking brake
• Road test

Please present coupon at time of write-up. Cannot be used with any other applicable offer. Coupon has no cash value. - Coupon expires 04/08/2025

Expires: 04/08/2025